by Camilla Ryberg, RESULTS Australia's Online Communications and Education Manager
There is a global education crisis. 57 million children still remain out of primary school worldwide and nearly 40 percent of the world's primary school-aged children still don't know how to read, write, or count.
If all students in low-income countries acquired basic reading skills, global poverty could decline by 12 percent, meaning 171 million people would be lifted out of poverty. Despite this, funding to education is declining.
Though the solution to the global education crisis is of course multifaceted, complex and nuanced, one thing is clear - if we are to address the education challenge successfully, we need to work in partnership.
With this in mind, RESULTS Australia together with our RESULTS affiliates in Canada, the UK and the US, are thrilled to announce the launch of our joint publication 'Greater Impact through Partnership: 8 reasons to invest in the Global Partnership for Education now more than ever'.
Our brief outlines why achieving an 'Education for All' is more important than ever in our current global landscape and how the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is uniquely positioned to contribute to this goal.
On June 26th, 2014, leaders from around the world will convene at GPE’s Pledging Conference to decide the future of education for children in the most poverty-stricken and conflict-affected countries on the planet. The GPE is asking donor countries for contributions of US$3.5 billion for the period 2015 to 2018.
Achieving this target, the Global Partnership will be able to support education for 29 million of the poorest and most marginalised children, including girls, and increase the number of children completing primary school with literacy and numeracy skills by 25 percent in 66 developing country partners by 2018.
For a more comprehensive account of what the GPE will be able to achieve if the replenishment target is met, have a look at the Global Partnership for Education's 'Case for Investment'
Moreover, due to the Global Partnership’s unique funding model, donor contributions of $3.5 billion have the power to leverage an additional $16 billion in domestic financing from the Partnership's low-income country partners. This will go a long way towards filling the education financing gap, thus contributing significantly towards addressing the global education crisis.
At this juncture, success relies on ambitious investments from donors. Joining our international affiliates, it is now the time for RESULTS Australia to intensify our advocacy calling on the Australian Government to make a pledge of AUD$500 million to the Global Partnership for Education for the period 2015-2018.
'Greater Impact through Partnership: 8 reasons to invest in the Global Partnership for Education now more than ever' provides the outline we need to tell the story to the media, members of Parliament, and our communities of not only the importance of education but the critical opportunity the Global Partnership for Education's June pledging conference provides to successfully address the global education crisis.
This is an unprecedented opportunity to in partnership make a real impact on the lives and futures of not only the poorest and most vulnerable children around the world, but in all of our lives by building a more just, healthy and prosperous world.
Download the full report here, and catch a glimpse of the 8 reasons below.
8 reasons to invest in the Global Partnership for Education now more than ever:
- We cannot end poverty without investing in education. Education is intrinsically related to our other efforts to reduce poverty.
- The Global Partnership for Education reaches those in the greatest need - especially those in fragile contexts and humanitarian emergencies. Nearly three-quarters of the world's 57 million primary school-aged children who are out of school live in GPE developing country partners.
- The Global Partnership for Education complements bilateral efforts in global education. Support for the Global Partnership helps donors reach their own development objectives, including the goals of U.S. bilateral education and development programs.
- The Global Partnership for Education mobilizes developing country resources towards their own education systems. Developing countries that are part of the Global Partnership increase their own domestic financing for education at a faster rate than developing countries not a part of the Partnership.
- The Global Partnership for Education gets results. GPE's developing country partners are demonstrating greater educational gains, including in enrolment, completion rates, and gender parity.
- The Global Partnership for Education is taking innovate steps to further enhance performance. Having already been cited as an effective model to replicate, the Global Partnership is still working to improve its model by focusing on outcomes, incentivizing results, and closing the data gap in education.
- Global support to basic education is drastically declining. Overall donor aid to basic education has dropped three years in a row, with aid for basic education to GPE developing country partners dropping even more - a 23 percent cut from 2009 to 2012.
- Demand for GPE support is on the rise. Demand from developing countries for support from the Global Partnership is only increasing, and donors must equally match the ambition of developing country partners.
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