While the Chair of the Board represents the interests of the Global Fund, rather than those of their country in particular, Dr Mboi’s experiences will undoubtedly be brought to the table. Dr Nafsiah Mboi trained as a paediatrician and has further training in Public Health. She has served as Chair of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child and also as Director of the Department of Gender and Women's Health at the World Health Organization in Geneva.
In their congratulatory statement
at the announcement of Dr Nafsiah Mboi’s appointment as Minister of Health last
year, The Pacific Friends of the Global Fund commended Dr Nafsiah Mboi for
always understanding “the critical role of empowering women and girls in
achieving better health outcomes for the entire community”.
We’re excited that the new chair is from the Asia Pacific,
and along with her interest in child health and women and girls, Dr Nafsiah
Mboi can offer much needed insight and an increased profile for our region.
Approximately 60% of the world’s TB cases are found in the Asia Pacific and the
Global Fund has been key to the response in our region. This year, 100% of TB
programs in Laos will be funded by the Global Fund, 94% of TB programs in Timor
Leste, and 92% of TB programs in Dr Nafsiah Mboi’s home country, Indonesia.
On RESULTS National Conference call tonight, Wednesday
March 27, we will be discussing the historic opportunity the world now has to
defeat AIDS, TB and Malaria. Make sure you join the call to hear why it is so
important for Australia to increase their support for the Global Fund this